Monday, January 19, 2015

Meet the World's best Facebook profile pictures: Meet the man making all his online friends jealous 5 days ago

We all know one – a Facebook friend desperate to out-do everyone else with their pictures and posts.
Whether it's stunning holiday snaps, a ridiculously attractive partner or witty soundbites that knock your boring updates into a cocked hat, everyone has someone they're jealous of on the social network.
Spare a thought then for the mates of this like-hunting bloke - a man who has turned Facebook profile pictures into an art form.

  Reddit user Fender2322 posted a selection of his friend's epic facebook profile pictures
Indiana Jones: He takes on a giant snake
Whether it's a surgeon, a king or Indiana Jones fighting off a snake, the mystery social network boss has done them all – and more.
And after a pal shared the unidentified Facebooker's pics on Reddit, he's now a viral superstar - but his name still hasn't been revealed.
  Reddit user Fender2322 posted a selection of his friend's epic facebook profile picturesReddit user Fender2322 posted a selection of his friend's epic facebook profile pictures

Live-saver: The anonymous surgeon
Does he know it? We're guessing he does. When you go to that effort you want a response. But how does he top what he's already posted? It's going to take some doing.

Reddit user Fender2322 posted a selection of his friend's epic facebook profile pictures

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