Thursday, October 1, 2015

Girl strips naked in shopping centre 'after boyfriend refuses to buy her iPhone 6s


 People have been known to go to extreme lengths to get their hands on the latest Apple product - but this could be a little bit too far.

Girl strips naked after her boyfriend refuses to buy her the iPhone 6s
 Angry girlfriend strips completely naked in public because boyfriend won't buy her an iPhone

  People are usually desperate to get their hands on the latest Apple product. But it could be argued that this woman has gone to extreme lengths in an attempt to secure herself an iPhone 6s . After reportedly failing to persuade her boyfriend to buy her the latest gadget, the woman, who was caught on camera in a shopping centre in China, decided she had only one option. Read more: Woman sends robot to queue for iPhone 6s so she doesn't have to YouTubeGirl strips naked after her boyfriend refuses to buy her the iPhone 6sAngry: The girl took off all her clothes after her boyfriend 'refused to buy her the latest gadget' And that option was to strip completely naked in front of hundreds of other shoppers. In the clip, the woman can be seen exchanging words with her partner before tearing her clothes off and throwing them onto the floor. 

Girl strips naked after her boyfriend refuses to buy her the iPhone 6s
Unashamed: The girl tears off her clothes after the argument

 Her unimpressed boyfriend walks away, but she soon follows, pushing him several times. It is not clear how the argument ended - or whether the woman ever ended up getting her hands on the iPhone 6s. The clip was uploaded to YouTube on September 20 and has clocked up more than 1.2 million views .

Psychologist blinds woman with drain cleaner - because she asked for it.


Jewel Shuping has Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID), a condition in which able-bodied people believe they are meant to be disabled, and resorted to desperate methods.

 For most people becoming blind would be a living nightmare - but for Jewel Shuping it was the fulfilment of a lifelong dream. Jewel has Body Integrity Identity Disorder (BIID), a condition in which able-bodied people believe they are meant to be disabled. Her need to lose her sight was so strong that in 2006 she decided to blind herself - by having a sympathetic psychologist pour DRAIN CLEANER into her eyes. According to Jewel, her fascination with blindness began early in childhood. She said: "When I was young my mother would find me walking in the halls at night, when I was three or four years old. "By the time I was six I remember that thinking about being blind made me feel comfortable."

Jewel Shuping at the park on August 12, 2015 in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Jewel: using a white stick in a park in Raleigh, North Carolina
As a child she would spend hours staring at the sun, watching sunspots and solar storms, after her mother told her it would damage her eyes. In her teens she started wearing thick black sunglasses, getting her first white cane aged 18 and becoming fully fluent in braille by the age of 20. Jewel said: "I was 'blind-simming', which is pretending to be blind, but the idea kept coming up in my head and by the time I was 21 it was a non-stop alarm that was going off." Determined to make her dream a reality, Jewel found a psychologist willing to help her become blind - an act which she compares to a deaf person wanting to get a cochlear implant. The psychologist put in numbing eyedrops - acquired by Jewel during a special visit to Canada - and then a couple of drops of drain cleaner in each eye. Jewel said: "It hurt, let me tell you. My eyes were screaming and I had some drain cleaner going down my cheek burning my skin. "But all I could think was 'I am going blind, it is going to be okay."

Jewel Shuping making a cup of tea at home on August 12, 2015 in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Rare: Condition has led to Jewel hurting herself

 Despite the hospital's attempts to save her vision - against her wishes - they were permanently damaged, although it took around half a year for the damage to take affect. Jewel, 30, from North Carolina, said: "When I woke up the following day I was joyful, until I turned on to my back and opened my eyes - I was so enraged when I saw the TV screen." But over around six months the sight in both her eyes slowly went away. Her left eye suffered a 'corneal meltdown' - collapsing in on itself and requiring the eye to be removed - while her right eye had glaucoma and cataracts, as well as a webbing of scars. Jewel originally told her family it had been an accident, but they eventually found out the truth - causing both her mother and sister to cut contact. However, she has been supported by her former fiancé Mike, 50, who is registered legally blind - although in his case due to naturally occurring early-onset macular degeneration.

Jewel Shuping aged 1
Jewel Shuping aged one
 Jewel, who is studying for a degree in education, now says she has no regrets and that she dreams of helping other blind people live an independent life. She said: "The only thing I would want to see again is my dad's face, although sadly that's not possible as he's no longer with us. "I really feel this is the way I was supposed to be born, that I should have been blind from birth. "When there's nobody around you who feels the same way, you start to think that you're crazy. But I don't think I'm crazy, I just have a disorder." Jewel is now sharing her story to help raise public awareness of BIID and to encourage people with the condition to seek professional help. She said: "Don’t go blind the way I did. I know there is a need but perhaps someday there will be treatment for it. "People with BIID get trains to run over their legs, freeze dry their legs, or fall off cliffs to try to paralyse themselves. "It’s very very dangerous. And they need professional help." Dr Michael First, professor of clinical psychiatry at Columbia University in New York, who coined the term BIID, said: "Any major disability can be a focus of BIID, from amputation to paraplegia and blindness. "These people are aware that this feeling of theirs is unusual - they know it is coming from within them. They can’t explain it. "But because of this level of awareness we don’t consider this to be something that we would consider evidence of psychosis. "In the world of psychiatry cures are rare, very often it’s about asking how you make someone’s life fulfilling despite their condition. "Now the problem of course if you have a particular individual who wanted amputation or who wants to be blind - how do you know once you have done it that they are going to be satisfied?"

Jewel Shuping reading Braille at home on August 12, 2015 in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Agony: Jewel Shuping blinded herself with drain cleaner

And while Jewel is happier than ever living as a blind woman, she says she can see why people who were born with a disability or who acquired one involuntarily might find it hard to comprehend her actions. She said: "I do understand why some people would be angry about a person giving themselves a disability. "They think it's a ploy to get social security, or a waste of advocacy that would be better focused on people with an involuntary disability. "But I feel that the way I became disabled doesn’t really matter. "If someone were to say that its fundamentally selfish to blind myself, I would say that it’s selfish to refuse treatment to somebody with a disorder. "This is not a choice, it’s a need based on a disorder of the brain."

Sunday, September 20, 2015

WONDER:Girls grow a PENIS and then turn into BOYS when they hit puberty in beautiful Caribbean village


 There are three sexes in Salinas where being a pseudohermaphrodite is so common it's accepted alongside male and female.
Countdown To Life
 Countdown To Life presenter Dr Michael Mosley visits Salinas to meet the girls who morph into boys 
On the face of it, the small village of Salinas in the Barahona Province of the southwestern part of the Dominican Republic, is like many other Caribbean hideaways. The natives are friendly, there's sandy beaches and the sun beats down often - but there is one peculiarity that sets it apart from the rest of the world. At puberty one in 90 children born there make a natural transformation from girl to boy. Referred to as the ‘guevedoces’ which literally translates as ‘penis at 12’ - these children are known in medical terms as 'pseudohermaphrodite' - and feature in a new BBC 2 series called Countdown to Life - the Extraordinary Making of You.
 Happy: Johnny was born a female but became a man during puberty when his testosterone began to flow

 “I remember I used to wear a little red dress,” said Johnny who at 24 was once known as Felecitia and did not have a penis. “I was born at home instead of in a hospital. "They didn’t know what sex I was. “I went to school and I used to wear my skirt. I never liked to dress as a girl. "When they bought me girls toys I never bothered playing with them. All I wanted to do was play with the boys.” The guevedoces were uncovered by Cornell University endocrinologist Dr Julianne Imperato in the 1970s who travelled to the region to learn more about rumours that girls were morphing into boys. And in the four decades since there have been studies, more has been learned about the perfectly natural condition.

Catherine and his cousin Carla, Guevedoces in the Dominican Republic
Accepted: the Guevedoces in the Dominican Republic are formed from a rare genetic disorder 

Believed to have transpired through a rare genetic disorder, the condition is caused by a missing enzyme that prevents the production the male sex hormone - dihydro-testosterone - in the womb - and creates what looks like a baby girl on birth. It is not until puberty, when testosterone flows, their voices break and they grow a male sexual reproductive organ that they become recognised as male. BBC presenter Dr Michael Mosley said: “I hated going through puberty; voice cracking, swinging moods, older brother laughing at me. But compared to Johnny, I had it easy. “Guevedoces are also sometimes called “machihembras” meaning “first a woman, then a man.” "When they’re born they look like girls with no testes and what appears to be a vagina. "It is only when they near puberty that the penis grows and testicles descend. “When Dr Imperato investigated the Guavadoces she discovered the reason they don’t have male genitalia at birth is because they are deficient in an enzyme called 5-α-reductase, which normally converts testosterone into dihydro-testosterone. “By a quirk of chance Dr Imperato’s research was picked up by the American pharmaceutical giant, Merck. "They used her discovery to create a drug called finasteride, which blocks the action of 5-α-reductase. “It is now widely used to treat benign enlargement of the prostate and male pattern baldness. For which, I’m sure, many men are truly grateful.” Dr Michael Mosley presents “Countdown to Life – the extraordinary making of you “ on Monday 21st September, BBC2, 9pm.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Girl with life-threatening skin condition bullied to brink of suicide

 A 22-YEAR-OLD, whose body is red-raw from a severe skin condition, was so badly trolled by cyber bullies that she considered taking her own life.

 By Laura Mitchell
Girl with sore red skin condition
BRAVE: Mui Thomas suffers from a rare skin condition called harlequin itchyosis

 Mui Thomas suffers from harlequin itchyosis, meaning she sheds the same amount of skin overnight that most people do in a fortnight. This leaves the brave young woman in agonising pain as her body is raw and prone to infection. Abandoned at birth and taken to a hospital, her now parents Rog, 52, and Tina, 47, started to care for her when she was little over a year old. But doctors warned that the prognosis for her condition was bleak, and she was unlikely to survive for much longer. Rog said: "We had the constant threat that Mui might die hanging over our heads for years. Slowly, she rallied, becoming more robust and suffering with fewer fevers and infections. "But then, when she was a teenager, she was tormented to the point where she contemplated suicide. "After everything she'd been through, it was almost anonymous cyber bullies that killed her."

Family and girl with skin condition
 She was adopted by Rog and Tina whens eh was three years old

 Rog, from Cardiff, Wales, and Tina, from Frankfurt, Germany, met on a filmset in Hong Kong and were married within five months. After deciding to become weekend foster carers they met Mui – and the couple immediately fell in love. "We didn't know anything about Mui's case before we met her. All we knew was that she looked different," said Tina. "But we fell in love with her. There was no way we could have walked away and left her." “The nasty comments cut me to the bone” Mui Thomas At first, Mui lived in hospital, staying with Rog and Tina at weekends. When she was placed in a government institution that Rog labelled as "completely unsuitable" for her healthcare needs, the couple had a difficult choice to make.

 "We could either go to Australia as planned and start our new lives, or we could give Mui a chance," said Rog. "Doctors had warned us she would die soon. A lot of people said we should walk away, but we couldn't. We decided to become her parents." At three years old, Mui was formally adopted by the couple. Her life was far from easy and she was constantly bombarded with stares, comments and, on occasion, screams and points from strangers. 

Baby with skin conditon
 SORE: At 22-years-old, Mui is the fourth oldest person in the world with her condition

 But it was when she reached high-school that the bullying became out of control. She was met with a barrage of vile insults from anonymous cyber bullies. And worn down by their relentless abuse, Mui was driven to the brink of suicide. Desperate to live as if she did not have a skin condition, she began to avoid treatment. "I've blocked most of it out. It was an incredibly difficult time," said Mui. "The comments cut me to the bone. Ultimately, I wanted to commit suicide." "Because I had no idea who was doing it and my tormentors were hiding behind a screen, I felt like I couldn't trust anyone. To an extent, not even my own parents," she added.

 Eventually after ten harrowing months, the tormentors were revealed to be classmates of Mui's. "One of the worst things was that Mui was getting this abuse delivered straight to her home, where she was supposed to feel safe," said Tina. "Because they can't see the face to face reaction of the person they're bullying, they have no idea how much hurt they're causing. "If our story can stop just one person from sending that nasty message or Tweet, then we will have done some good," she added. Last month, the family delivered a talk about their experiences in a bid to raise awareness of the devastating impact the bullying can have. Speaking on stage alongside her parents, Mui said: "When I was a child, I once said: 'Mummy, if there's one thing I want for Christmas, it's to have ordinary skin. "All my life, I've wanted to be seen and treated as someone without my skin condition but as you can see I look a little bit different to most of you. "When people see me for the first time, they're not sure of how to react because I don't fit into the norm. When people shout, scream or run away, I struggle with it. "If someone asks me how I want people to react, I say I'd be happy with a simple hello. A smile would be nice too. But unfortunately, when people are in shock, that doesn't always work out. "At least I have the love and support of my parents, and not everyone gets that."

Girl with red skin
 STRONG: The brave rugby referee has written a book about her experiences
 One of the most challenging issues of harlequin itchyosis is that the skin does not have a barrier against germs, so Mui and other sufferers like her are left open to infection. On top of this, her body has no temperature control and she cannot sweat, meaning dehydration is a prominent risk for her. The oldest survivor of the debilitating condition is 31 years of age. At 22, Mui is the forth oldest person in the world with harlequin itchyosis. To try and soothe the symptoms of her disorder, she must take daily two hour baths in an attempt to scrub off layers of dead skin and apply ointment routinely throughout the day. But now Mui, who works as a rugby referee, has risen above the bullies and is thankful for the positive experiences her visible difference has brought her. "I think that having a disorder has led to some pretty cool encounters. Who can say that they've met supermodel Kate Moss in her hotel suite, and former British Prime Minister Tony Blair? I can," she said. "Who can say that they've been flown across the world to California on an all-expenses paid trip to Disneyland? I can. "So for all the bad encounters that I've experienced, there is always something positive." Aside from the motivational talks the family have been delivering in schools, they have written a book charting their life story called The Girl Behind The Face. They have set up a website as well as Facebook and Twitter accounts, all also titled The Girl Behind The Face.

Mystery as naked woman rescued after she was found floating three miles from coast

A NAKED woman had to be rescued three miles away from the coast in mysterious circumstances.

 By Jake Burman
Floating woman
 STRANDED: The woman was found three miles from the coast 

“She was completely naked” D.J. Haledman said .The skinny dipper was heard calling for help by kayakers. According to cops the 26-year-old had been the water for a staggering 16 hours.

 She was found alone, without a boat or anything to float on. Police officer D.J. Haledman said: "She was completely naked.

The relieved woman said she went for a swim and got caught in a rip current. But California lifeguard David Pratt said it would be impossible for a rip current to pull her three miles out. She told cops she dumped her bathing suit while stranded at sea. The woman allegedly said she didn't want it to "restrict her abilities to swim". She was taken to hospital to be treated for dehydration.

-culled from

Friday, September 18, 2015

Ace Nigerian footballer and Chelsea's Midfielder John Mikel Obi welcomes his new born Twin Angels

Nigeria’s Super Star John Mikel Obi welcomed twins some seven hours ago. Mikel on his Facebook page wrote “My whole world in my arms 💞 Welcome to the world my angels.

Mike and the new kids
Nigeria’s Super Star John Mikel Obi

Breaking News: Court orders Senate President's arrest

 By Ikechukwu Nnochiri ABUJA

 The Code of Conduct Tribunal, CCT, sitting in Abuja has ordered the Inspector General of Police, IGP, Mr. Solomon Arase and other relevant security agencies in ‎the country to arrest the Senate President, Dr. Bukola Saraki. In a ruling this afternoon, the tribunal headed by Justice Danladi Umar issued a bench warrant against Saraki following his refusal to appear in court to face a 13-count criminal charge that was preferred against him by the Federal Ministry of Justice.

Bukola Saraki
Bukola Saraki

 Bukola Saraki Bukola Saraki FG had through a deputy director in the office of the Attorney General of the Federation, Mr. M.S. Hassan, asked the tribunal to order Saraki’s arrest. ‎Saraki who was billed for arraignment this morning, sent his team of lawyers to serve the tribunal with a copy of the ruling of Justice Ahmed Mohammed of the Abuja Division of the Federal High Court, yesterday, which summoned the Ministry of Justice to appear on Monday to show cause why the trial should be allowed to proceed. Equally summoned by the court were the Chairman of the tribunal, Justice Danladi Umar and that of the Code of Conduct Bureau, CCB, Mr. Sam Saba, as well as Mr. Hassan who signed the charge against Saraki.

 Meanwhile, irked by Saraki’s absence at the tribunal for the commencement of his prosecution over alleged false declaration of assets, the Ministry of Justice prayed the Justice Umar-led panel to order for his arrest, saying “he cannot sit in the comfort of his chamber and object to his trial in absentia”. The prosecution further maintained that Justice Mohammed lacked the powers to summon ‎the CCT and CCB chairmen, even as it accused Saraki of engaging in “forum shopping” in a desperate bid to scuttle his trial. Meanwhile, Saraki has through his lawyer, begged the tribunal to consider his position as the Senate President and stay the execution of the arrest warrant, saying he would be available for trial on Monday. His plea was refused by Justice Umar who maintained that the accused person, having sworn to protect the constitution, ought to have shown respect to the tribunal by appearing before it today.

Is Tupac still alive? Retired police officer claims he was PAID to help rapper fake his death


The rapper died back in 1996 after a drive by shooting or did he? 

Tupac Shakur
Tupac Shakur

 A retired police officer has hinted that Tupac might still be alive. David Myers, who is in a critical medical condition in hospital, claims he was paid $1.5 million to help the star fake his own death. Tupac Shakur, or 2Pac as he was known on stage, died after he was hit in a drive-by shooting back in 1996 when he was just 25. But Myers says he now wants the world to know the truth and from his death bed – he said: “The world needs to know what I did. I’m ashamed that I let a price be put on my word and I cannot die without letting the world know.”

He claims Suge knew what was going on.

#He claims Suge knew what was going on He claims Suge Knight, who is currently in jail awaiting trial for murder, played a big part in helping it happen. Over 30 people were reportedly paid to help fake his death – including police, medics and various witnesses. Myers even claims 2Pac paid $50,000 for a body double to be taken to the morgue. It is not the first time there have been theories that he may not have died.

Tupac Shakur
Tupac's death is still a mystery

 On September 7, 1996, Shakur was shot multiple times in a drive-by shooting at the intersection of Flamingo Road and Koval Lane in Las Vegas, Nevada. He had been at the Mike Tyson vs Bruce Sheldon boxing match and been involved in a altercation with gang member Orlando "Baby Lane" Anderson. A short while later, while en route to night club a car pulled up alongside Shakur's while he was standing with his head out of the sunroof and unknown occupants shot him, hitting him in the chest, pelvis, right hand, thigh and lung.

 The shocking news he might still be alive comes just months after it was reported a film about his life was due to start filming. Earlier this year producer Randall Emmett said: "The script is great and we're ready to make the movie, we're just prepping the logistics."  The movie - which has the rights to use the iconic rapper's music - will cover key areas of his life, leading up to his tragic death . Emmett added: "I think our story, especially like a lot of biopics in the hip-hop space, will at least tease the beginning of his life, kind of tease his beginnings and kind of the people around him. "Then go into the key years leading up to the pinnacle of his success - those three or four key years of his rise, and the empire he built.” Tupac Shakur has sold over 75 million records worldwide, making him one of the best-selling music artists of all time. Shakur was a vocal participant in the so-called East Coast–West Coast hip hop rivalry, becoming involved in conflicts with other rappers, producers and record-label staff members, most notably The Notorious B.I.G. and the label Bad Boy Records.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

El Hadji Diouf accuses Steven Gerrard of racism in outrageous response to book claims


 Gerrard criticised Diouf as his worst Reds teammate but he has responded with astonishing claims about him that the former skipper vehemently denies.

Football bad boy El-Hadji Diouf has made the outrageous claim that Steven Gerrard and Liverpool are racist in an astonishing rant. The Senegalese striker was criticised in Gerrard's forthcoming autobiography, with the former Reds captain admitting he has "no respect" for his former team-mate. “I don’t really want to waste time thinking about El Hadji Diouf but it’s worth highlighting his wasted seasons at Liverpool as an example of how it can all go wrong," Gerrard wrote.

footballer El Hadji Diouf spits spitting
 Diouf was no stranger to headlines at Anfield 

Now, in a sensational interview on Senegalese radio station Radio Futurs Media reported by Le 10 Sport, Diouf has accused his former team-mate of prejudice against black people, a claim the former Reds skipper vehemently denies. Diouf claimed: "Liverpool isn't a team that welcomes black people unless they are English. "Gerrard has never liked black people. Every time I passed him, he never dared to look me in the eye.

Steven Gerrard of England holds a Say No To Racism sign
Campaign: Gerrard has been a vocal anti-racism campaigner
 Diouf then went on to accuse Gerrard of jealousy, claiming that his arrival at Anfield riled the midfielder. "Gerrard is just jealous. What I achieved in football, he never managed," continued Diouf. Former Liverpool winger Ryan Babel has since rubbished Diouf's claims saying he "did not get that feeling" from the now LA Galaxy man.

Ryan Babel bags a rare goal for Liverpool at Anfield in 2008
Teammate: Babel played alongside Gerrard at Liverpool
Replying to a query on Twitter, Babel responded to Diouf's reported comments to radio station Radio Future Media. He tweeted: "i did not got that feeling from Steve G so i think he got it wrong." Diouf joined Liverpool following a starring role at the 2002 World Cup but his Reds career was dogged by negative headlines. In 2002 he was infamously accused of spitting at West Ham fans before being charged with a similar offence when he was at Bolton, this time involving an 11-year-old Middlesbrough spectator two years later. Gerrard has made no comment other than to deny the allegations.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Two topless feminists storm Muslim conference stage during 'wife beating' discussion


The two activists are believed to be part of controversial feminist group 'Femen' which uses nudity to draw attention to its cause.
Topless French Femen protesters interrupt Muslim conference with naked protest
 This is the moment two topless activists stormed the stage during a speech at a Muslim conference in France.

The two women ran on stage, grabbed the microphone and punched the air as the two imams they interrupted retreated in shock and discomfort. Reports claim that the two imams were addressing in their lecture the issue of whether men are allowed to beat their wives or not, according to Islam’s teachings. It has been suggested the women belong to controversial feminist group, Femen. Both of the activists had messages emblazoned on their bare bodies in black marker- a hallmark of previous Femen protests. One of the messages is believed to translate to: "Nobody makes me submit"- a reference to the Islamic idea of 'submission'.

Topless French Femen protesters interrupt Muslim conference with naked protest
Manhandled: The semi-naked women are bundled off stage
 The semi-naked women are bundled off stage Security guards soon hauled the women off stage with more men, possibly organisers of the event, joining in. Shockingly, it appears that one of the men kicks an activist as she is being dragged along the ground. The women's identities are not yet known but the stunt is suspected to have been the work of Femen.

Topless French Femen protesters interrupt Muslim conference with naked protest
Shocked: The man at the lectern looks very uncomfortable as the protesters storm the stage

 RuptlyTopless French Femen protesters interrupt Muslim conference with naked protestShocked: The man at the lectern looks very uncomfortable as the protesters storm the stage The group are notorious for their use of nudity. But it has drawn criticism from other feminist groups for its approach, especially towards minority communities.

-culled from the daily Mirror

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Brit makes world's most expensive cake costing £48.5million - guess the secret ingredient


The gem-encrusted birthday and engagement dessert is six foot long, includes 4,000 real diamonds, and was created by a top fashion designer Share Share Tweet +1 Pinterest Subscribe Adel Hanna from Studio 67“The world's most expensive cake" with a mouth-watering price tag of a jaw dropping £48.5 million pounds.
“The world's most expensive cake" with a mouth-watering price tag of a jaw dropping £48.5 million pounds
The world's most expensive cake

 A British woman has baked the world's most expensive cake which has so many precious gems it is worth £48.5 million. Debbie Wingham has created a 6ft long replication of a runway that includes edible models of Vogue editor Anna Wintour looking on as a model goes down the catwalk. It is made up of some 4000 rare stones including a 5.2 carat pink diamond a 6.4 yellow diamond.

Fashionable and delicious: Intricate characters brought to life in the medium of cake
Fashionable and delicious: Intricate characters brought to life in the medium of cake
 In total the massive cake weighs some 70 stone - the same as a fully grown grizzly bear. Miss Wingham was commissioned to make the cake by a wealthy client in the UAE, whose name has not been revealed. The cake itself is not even the focus of the project; instead it is to showcase the stones that will be given to the client's daughter to mark her birthday and her engagement. Miss Wingham is originally a fashion designer and the clothes in the cake resemble her own couture clothing.
Snap: Even fashion photographers are honoured in this cake
Snap: Even fashion photographers are honoured in this cake 

The front row, which includes Miss Wintour, all have edible designer handbags and are carrying smartphones and tablets. In total there are 15 five carat white diamonds, 76 two carat black diamonds and 62 two carat white diamonds. The runway is adorned with 400 one carat diamonds, 75 three carat white diamonds and 75 three carat black diamonds. Every piece of the cake was hand sculpted by Miss Wingham who put in the equivalent of 45 days pulling it together from conception to completion.

That takes the cake! Dessert took 1,100 of work by designer
That takes the cake! Dessert took 1,100 of work by designer
She used 18 stone of fondant icing and nine stone of modelling chocolate before the entire cake was vetted and appraised by an independent third party to verify its worth. Miss Wingham, who is originally from South Yorkshire, has previously created the world's most expensive dress that had so many jewels that it costs £11.6m. The 'Abaya' was a simple, loose-fitting black and red dress inspired by the clothes worn by women in North Africa. It included 3,000 stones, including 50 two-carat black diamonds, 50 two-carat white diamonds, 1,899 black-and-white pointer diamonds and 1,000 pointer rubies. The centrepiece was the world's rarest and most expensive red diamond, which is worth £4.8m.

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Jose Mourinho Says Chelsea are Still “Champions” Despite Recent Failures

 Chelsea boss Jose Mourinho does not blame himself or his players despite worst start to a Premier League season since 1988.
Jose mourinho
Jose Mourinho

 Jose Mourinho is under huge pressure after Chelsea's recent losing streak was compounded by a 3-1 defeat by Everton at Goodison Park, in which Everton's Steven Naismith stunned the Blues with a hat-trick.

 Chelsea have suffered three defeats in five games, and the league tables reveal that they are the first team to concede a dozen goals this season, making it Mourinho's worst start to any league in his career. "The results are the worst results ever in my career. I am not happy but I am coping well with the situation. The priority is to keep doing what we are doing, the players are feeling enough sadness,"

The Portuguese manager told BT Sport. Everton supporters chanted "You're getting sacked in the morning" and displayed anti-Mourinho banners during the game, but Mourinho reminded football fans that until somebody wins the league, Chelsea are still "the champions". "I am a champion, the players are the champions, the way they are playing is not as bad as the results but in every single game things are going against us," he told BT Sport. Despite his team's dismal start to the season, Mourinho maintains that his place is with Chelsea: "I am the man for the job. I don't think there is better man who could come and do my job."

Man United 3-1 Liverpool: 5 things we learned as Anthony Martial's debut strike sealed victory

BY DAVID MCDONNELL Goals from Daley Blind, Ander Herrera and Anthony Martial handed the Red Devils victory despite a Christian Benteke stunner.

Anthony Martial celebrates after scoring the third goal for Manchester United
Anthony Martial celebrates after scoring the third goal for Manchester United

  Manchester United ran out comfortable winners against Liverpool after a second-half blitz saw them claim a 3-1 win on Saturday evening. After a dismal first half, Daley Blind fired home from Juan Mata's free-kick,
Daley Blind scores the first goal
All alone: Mata picked out Blind with the freekick..

 Christian Benteke's spectacular bicycle kick left David de Gea no chance in the 83rd minute to reduce the arrears, but a wonderfully-taken debut goal from Anthony Martial sealed the hosts win. United now sit second in the Premier League table with 10 points from their opening five games, but Brendan Rodgers' side have now fallen to back-to-back defeats.

Christian Benteke scores an over head kick
Outstanding: Benteke's brilliant overhead kick

1. United fans have forgiven David de Gea for Real Madrid dalliance It was easy to forget, as the crescendo of cheers went around Old Trafford following the announcement of David De Gea's name as the United line-up was read out before kick-off, that the keeper was moments away from joining Real Madrid, before an administrative cock-up scuppered the move. De Gea wanted the move, United had sanctioned it, but at the last minute a glitch meant it never happened. Fast forward 11 days and De Gea has penned a new four-year deal worth £200,000-a-week, and all has been forgiven. Reuters / Phil NobleDavid De Gea celebrates after Daley Blind scored the first goal for Manchester UnitedBack between the sticks: De Gea celebrates on his return The euphoria of United fans is understandable – they have managed to keep hold of one of the world's best goalkeepers, who provided a reminder of his enduring value with two fine saves to deny Danny Ings and Jordan Ibe. But United fans should be under no illusions that De Gea's desire to join Real is no more, simply because he has signed a new deal. Next summer will tell us everything we need to know about his commitment to United, if Real choose to come in for him again.
David De Gea celebrates after Daley Blind scored the first goal for Manchester United

 2. Fellaini cannot lead the line as a striker in Rooney's absence As expected, following Mirror Football's story last night and confirmation more than four hours before kick-off, United skipper Wayne Rooney missed the encounter with a tight hamstring suffered in training the day before. With Louis van Gaal unwilling to throw £36million teenager Anthony Martial in at the deep end for his United and Premier League debut, Marouane Fellaini was chosen to lead the attack. Fellaini's nuisance factor is a valuable weapon, his height, imposing physique and aerial threat giving opponents a unique problem to deal with. Reuters / Carl RecineMarouane FellainiFocal point: Fellaini's braun offered a target, but the Belgian struggled But it took just seven minutes for confirmation the Belgium international does not have the composure and nous to play as an out-and-out striker. When Simon Mignolet's lame throw was blocked by Juan Mata, the ball fell to the feet of Fellaini, who snatched at the chance, hoofing it high over the bar. The least Fellaini should have done was get the ball on target, but the fact he couldn't even manage that shows why he was so ill-suited to role in which he was thrust. All this on the day former United hero Cristiano Ronaldo scored FIVE goals for Real Madrid. How times change.
Marouane Fellaini

 3. Van Gaal shows again he has the balls to make big calls Louis van Gaal famously dropped his trousers in the Bayern Munich dressing room once to show his players he had the balls to make big decisions. Here, the United boss made another ballsy call, replacing £25million summer signing and fellow Dutchman Memphis Depay with Ashley Young at half-time. Memphis actually didn't perform that poorly in the opening 45 minutes, which is what made van Gaal's decision to replace him all the more admirable. Van Gaal clearly felt his side needed greater pace and penetration down the left side, and Young duly delivered, winning the cleverly worked free-kick that led to United's opening goal from Daley Blind, who proved just as valuable at the other end, clearing the ball off the line with the score 1-0.

 4. Martial had a debut to remember at the Theatre of Dreams Anthony Martial showed just why Manchester United were willing to pay over the odds for him, with a £36million fee even Louis van Gaal branded “ridiculous”, by scoring a wonder goal on his debut. Martial, a 65th-minute replacement for Juan Mata, had had little chance to show what he could do until the 86 minute. Shaun Botterill/GettyAnthony Martial comes on as a substitute for Juan MataWelcome to Manchester: Anthony Martial makes his United bow Reuters / Carl RecineAnthony Martial scores the third goal for Manchester United...Before making his mark with a classy finish... Matthew Peters/Man UtdAnthony Martial celebrates after scoring the third goal for Manchester United...To the delight of he and the home fans Then he cut in from the right, gliding past Nathaniel Clyne and Martin Skrtel, before opening up his body and showing great composure to steer the ball beyond Mignolet to restore United's two-goal advantage at a crucial stage in the game, with Liverpool pushing for a late equaliser. Van Gaal had warned of the need to give Martial time to settle in to his new surroundings and not to expect too much, too soon, but the 19-year-old has set the bar high with his stunning debut cameo.
Anthony Martial comes on as a substitute for Juan Mata

 5. Benteke needed his wonder goal for his confidence For much of the game, Christian Benteke had been bullied off the ball by opponents with nowhere near his physical strength, chiefly Daley Blind and Matteo Darmian. Just as he was in Liverpool's abject 3-0 defeat at home to West Ham a fortnight earlier, Benteke was anonymous, shrugged off the ball with ease and failing to capitalise on his physical threat. And with just one goal for Liverpool since his £32m summer move from Aston Villa, a dubious one from an offside position against Bournemouth, he badly needed something special to prove himself worthy of his exorbitant transfer fee. Andrew Powell/Liverpool FCChristian Benteke scores an over head kickOutstanding: Benteke's brilliant overhead kick That duly came with his spectacular scissor-kick six minutes from time. The jury is still out on Benteke, who has endured a slow start to his Liverpool career, but his goal at Old Trafford could provide him with the spark he needs to kick-start his Anfield career. David Maddock's player ratings Man United: De Gea 7; Darmian 7, Smalling 6, Blind 8 MOTM, Shaw 6; Schweinsteiger 6, Carrick 7; Mata 6, Herrera 8, Memphis 6; Fellaini 5. Subs: Young 6, Martial 7, Schneiderlin 6. Liverpool: Mignolet 6; Clyne 6, Skrtel 6, Lovren 6, Gomez 6; Milner 6, Lucas 6, Can 6; Firmino 5, Benteke 6, Ings 7. Subs: Ibe 6, Origi 6.

Woman caught having sex with unconscious boyfriend in supermarket car park.


 Kimberly Jackson allegedly told officers: "I was in the mood" after shocked passers-by spotted her on top of her partner

  A woman was caught having sex with her boyfriend in broad daylight while he was passed out in a supermarket car park. Kimberly Jackson allegedly told officers: "I was in the mood" after shocked passers-by spotted her on top of partner Earl Palmer in the car park in Norfolk, Virginia. Officers arrived at East Virginia Beach Boulevard after a caller told dispatchers that a couple was involved in a sexual act.
Kimberly M. Jackson was accused of having sex with her boyfriend Earl Palmer who police say was unconscious in a parking lot.
Shameless: Jackson was spotted with boyfriend Earl Palmer

Kimberly M. Jackson was accused of having sex with her boyfriend Earl Palmer who police say was unconscious in a parking lot.Shameless: Jackson was spotted with boyfriend Earl Palmer They found Palmer unconscious and intoxicated. He was taken to the nearby Sentara Leigh Hospital. Jackson was arrested and charged for being drunk in public. Other charges could be pending and the 36-year-old local woman was later released on bond.

Kimberly M. Jackson was accused of having sex with her boyfriend Earl Palmer who police say was unconscious in a parking lot.
Excuse: Jackson told police she was 'in the mood'

Kimberly M. Jackson was accused of having sex with her boyfriend Earl Palmer who police say was unconscious in a parking lot.Excuse: Jackson told police she was 'in the mood' Have your say in our new comments section below Police investigations are continuing into the bizarre incident. But she has since told WTKR that it was the "booze" that made them do it. She said: "I was in the mood, that's basically what happened." Asked if she thought they would never get caught, she said: "The alcohol made me think I wouldn't. I'm not into erotic public sex or anything like that."

Kimberly M. Jackson was accused of having sex with her boyfriend Earl Palmer who police say was unconscious in a parking lot.
Arrested: Kimberly Jackson

 Kimberly M. Jackson was accused of having sex with her boyfriend Earl Palmer who police say was unconscious in a parking lot.Arrested: Kimberly Jackson Palmer said he was just passed out from drinking, and added: "I'm here trying to clear her name and let them know I consented to that, I just didn't finish the job as you could say."  asked why they decided to do this in the middle of the parking lot in the middle of the day. He said: "Everyone wants to do something spontaneous. I'm not being disrespectful to you. Have you ever done anything spontaneous?" The reporter told him: "Not that spontaneous." Inquires are continuing.

-culled from the

Friday, September 11, 2015

Marrying Funke was a mistake- Femi Kuti

-By Jane Koladeon:

Marrying Funke was a mistake, says Femi Kuti     

 Heir to the Afrobeat icon, and international music star, Femi Anikulapo-Kuti has attributed his success to his tutelage under his father, the late Fela Anikulapo-Kuti; first as a trainee, and later as a member of his band.

He told The Nation that his father was his first critic, adding that when he played his first composition to his father, he asked how people could dance to it. The singer reminisced, “Fela asked, ‘So how do you want people to dance to this?’ I only thought of the melody when I composed the song, but on speaking to him, I realised that it was important for Africans to be able to dance to the song.” Though not a graduate of music, Femi was a protégée of his father, who learned his craft at the foot of a master craftsman, and acknowledged the fact that hard work was a major secret he acquired from his mentor father.

 Femi started receiving music lessons from his father as a teenager, as residents of the Off Toyin street axis of Ikeja in the early 80s can attest. Speaking about his marriage to his ex-wife, Funke Kuti, he noted that he does not believe in the marriage institution. As he puts it, “I never believed in marriage. I loved my wife, and got carried away. I am happy about the experience. We got married for a number of reasons; she left home, and many people said she had made the greatest mistake of her life; she got pregnant; and for us to have a certain status for our child; documentation and so on.

There were so many reasons to get married.” Speaking further, he asserted that his father advised him not to get married but he went against his father’s wishe. He went on to say that getting married affected the relationship, saying, “Now we are great friends, but probably if we had not gotten married, we probably would have still been together.” He said further: “When you get married, if it breaks up, you get into a very bitter street, that makes it is very difficult for people to make up afterwards. Everything goes bitter around you, and hatred comes in. And when hatred comes, you find that many couples can no longer stand each other”

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Nigeria's oldest school pupil dies 'aged 94'

Mohammud Modibbo (R) with his teacher Abdulkarim Ibrahim
Mohammud Modibbo (R) pictured with his teacher in Kano

A man believed to be the oldest school pupil in Nigeria has died at the age of 94, his family says. 

Mohammud Modibbo was unable to go to school as a child because he worked as a trader, travelling around the country. He decided to enter primary school in his mid-80s and had recently begun secondary school in the northern city of Kano. His teacher, Abdulkarim Ibrahim, said Mr Modibbo was "easy-going and jovial". "During classes, he was very attentive and asked questions when he didn't understand - either asking the teacher or a student sitting beside him," Mr Ibrahim told the BBC Hausa service. Mr Modibbo had dreamed of pursing a university education, but his "sudden death" had robbed him of that chance, the teacher added. Initial reports put his age at 83, but his family says he was 94. Mr Modibbo was an Islamic scholar who sat in school alongside pupils young enough to be his great-grandchildren, and even great-great grandchildren, says BBC Nigeria correspondent Will Ross. Pupils and teachers at his school are sad they have lost the pupil who had so passionately embraced the motto: "It's never too late", our reporter adds. According to the Guinness Book of World Records the oldest person ever to have enrolled at primary school, was Kenyan Kimani Maruge at the age of 84. He passed away five years later.

-culled from

Chidinma Dies.


Chidinma at the hospital before she died

The only survivor of the fire accident that occurred on Tuesday in Lagos, Chidinma, has died. Chidinma died from the injuries she sustained to her face in the early hours of Thursday.

The PUNCH had reported that seven family members lost their lives in Surulere after fire gutted their apartment on Tuesday night. Chidinma, a relative staying with the family, was the only survivor before her death.

Lagos: Woman bites off neighbour’s nipple.

 Mother of four children, Mrs. Adelowo Taiwo, has accused her neighbour, Mrs. Bola Olowolagba, of biting off and swallowing her nipple during a fight which ensued in their compound in Shasha, area of Lagos.

Taiwo and her injury 

 The incident happened at I6 Oduduwa Crescent in Shasha, outskirts of Lagos where they reside. According to Taiwo, the trouble started after Olowolagba held a party and littered the whole compound; she was asked to clean up the compound but refused. Taiwo narrated that she had to handle the cleaning. She added that when Olowolagba’s husband saw her while sweeping, he informed Olowolagba who came out from their apartment and asked Taiwo who asked her to sweep the compound. Along the line, they exchanged hot words which resulted in a fight and in the process, Olowolagba grabbed Taiwo’s right breast, bit off her nipple and swallowed it. Taiwo said while she was bleeding, Olowolagba was busy biting other parts of her body before neighbours intervened. Taiwo was rushed to Igando General Hospital where she is being treated. The matter was reported to the Police at Shasha division and Olowolagba was arrested and charged to court for the assault but pleaded not guilty. The presiding Magistrate, Mrs J.O.E Adeyemi, granted her bail in the sum of N50, 000 with two sureties in like sum. She was remanded in prison custody at Kirikiri pending when she will perfect her bail. The case was adjourned till 21 September 2015.

 - Culled from vanguardngr

Game of Thrones add Richard E. Grant to cast of season six

 The British actor is expected to appear in multiple episodes of the HBO drama 

 Richard E Grant joins Game Of Thrones cast

Game of Thrones has added Richard E.Grant to the cast of season six, though what role exactly the Withnail and I actor will be playing is so far unconfirmed. HBO have gone to great lengths to keep details of the next season a secret and the confirmation that Grant will become the latest British star to join the cast, came when the show was added to his online resume by his management.

Richard E. Grant will appear in multiple episodes of season six according to Variety
Richard E. Grant will appear in multiple episodes of season six according to Variety

 Iam McShane, Max von Sydow and Sebastian Croft as a young Eddard Stark are amongst other actors already confirmed to join the new season. Freddie Stroma caused a storm last week when he was revealed to have landed the role of Dickon Tarly, Sam Tarly's brother. Season six will consist of 10 episodes, and will premiere on HBO in Spring 2016. This will be the first season that moves ahead of George RR Martin's books and will be based on the sixth edition The Winds of Winter as well as material from the fourth and fifth novels.

Kit Harrington as Jon Snow in Game of Thrones
 Kit Harrington as Jon Snow in Game of Thrones

 After the death of Jon Snow in the season five finale, just landing a role in Game Of Thrones doesn't exactly guarantee you much screen time. Speaking about the upcoming season Finn Jones - who plays the incarcerated Loras Tyrell - admitted fans should get ready for a shock. "I was a little bit nervous when I got the scripts through but I've started filming now and so the nerves aren't there anymore," he told recently told the Express. "So I know what's happening, a lot of good stuff to do this year," He added: "Game of Thrones is always shocking, so it's never going to stop shocking people. "The end of season six in particular is very shocking."

Private detective hired to follow man's wife finds her having sex with his OWN teenage son

Dance teacher Amber Telford, 33, romped with the 17-year-old student in her studio as well as in her car and at her mum's house.

Amber Telford
Amber Telford Affair: Amber Telford was having sex with the private investigator's son 

A husband who hired a private detective to follow his wife found out she was having sex with the investigator's own teenage son. Dance teacher Amber Telford, 33, romped with the 17-year-old student in her studio as well as in her car and at her mum's house. But the illicit affair was uncovered when the private detective hired by her estranged husband caught the pair together at the dance studio. And the case took an even stranger turn when it emerged the boy was the PI's son. The pair were said to have been found under a blanket with their clothes 'strewn all over the floor'. Salt Lake County JailAmber Telford Jailed:

Amber Telford
Telford was locked up for 30 days 
Police in Taylorsville, Utah, arrested Telford - a former NBA cheerleader with Utah Jazz - and she has now been jailed for 30 days after pleading guilty to unlawful sexual activity with a minor. Local news station KSL said in exchange for her plea, prosecutors agreed to dismiss six other identical charges. A court document stated the pair began flirting together before the relationship developed as she bought him clothes and paid for him to go to Disneyland for a dance competition. Colette's Dancing School in Taylorsville

Colette's Dancing School in Taylorsville

 It said: "She started by flirting with (the teen) and eventually began a sexual relationship with him that occurred at her home, her mother's home and also in a vehicle belonging to Amber." The report also claims Telford would pick the boy up for in the middle of the night and drive him to various locations for sex. The court also ordered her to perform 150 hours of community service, complete probation and register as a sex offender. The affair was discovered late November, around two months after Telford had filed for divorce from her husband. The studio - Colette's Dancing School - is no longer in operation. The business is now run by different management under a new name.